2 Global Growth Trends 2.1 Global Automatic Optical Inspection Market Perspective (2017-2028) 2.2 Automatic Optical Inspection Growth Trends by Region 2.2.1 Automatic Optical Inspection Market Size by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 2.2.2 Automatic Optical Inspection Historic Market Size by Region (2017-2022) 2.2.3 Automatic Optical Inspection Forecasted Market Size by Region (2023-2028) 2.3 Automatic Optical Inspection Market Dynamics 2.3.1 Automatic Optical Inspection Industry Trends 2.3.2 Automatic Optical Inspection Market Drivers 2.3.3 Automatic Optical Inspection Market Challenges 2.3.4 Automatic Optical Inspection Market Restraints
Ccd Inspector 2.2.1
2.1 Photometry2.1.1 Braeside observatoryDifferential R-band CCD photometry of HS 2331 was obtained at theBraeside Observatory immediately following the identification of itsCV nature in September-October 2000 (Sect. 2.2.1), usinga 0.4 m reflector equipped with a SITe 512 CCD camera(Table 1). HS 2331 was again observed from Braeside inNovember 2001 and October 2003, on both occasions in white light. Thedata were bias-subtracted, dark current-subtracted and flat-fielded ina standard fashion, and instrumental aperture magnitudes of HS 2331were derived relative to USNO-A2.0 1275-18486676 (R=14.6, labelled"C1'' in Fig. 1). The mean magnitude of HS 2331 during the2000 observations was .The Braeside CCD light curves of HS 2331 display periodic variabilitywith an amplitude of mag(Fig. 2), which has consistently beendetected in all three years covered by our observations. Themorphology of the photometric modulation is best described by adouble-humped pattern with a period of 80 min. The relativestrength of the two humps varies substantially between the individualnights. The 2003 data reveal narrow absorption dips centred on some ofthe observed minima between the humps. Figure 1:Finding chart ofHS 2331, obtained from the Digitized Sky Survey 2. The coordinates ofthe CV are ,.Differentialmagnitudes of HS 2331 were obtained relative to the comparison starsC1 (USNO-A2.0 1275-18486676) and C2 (GSC 0323100595).Open with DEXTER2.1.2 Kryoneri observatoryFilterless CCD photometry of HS 2331 was obtained during two nightsin October 2002 and during 7 nights in August 2003 at the 1.2 mKryoneri telescope using a SI-502 CCD camera(Table 1). The Kryoneri data were reduced following theprocedure described in Gänsicke et al. (2004), and differentialmagnitudes were derived relative to C1 (Fig. 1). The October 2002 light curves, obtained with a time resolution of25 s-30 s, were essentially similar to the Braeside observations(Fig. 2), displaying a double-humped structure witha period of 80 min. The higher time resolution data obtained inAugust 2003 provide stronger evidence for the absorption dips detectedin the Braeside observations, and clearly reveal additional short-termvariability on a time scale of 5 min (e.g. August 14;Fig. 2). In addition the changes of the shape ofthe double-humped structure are more pronounced than in the Braesideobservations. On August 19, one of the humps is extremely weak, onAugust 20 both humps have nearly equal amplitude. Figure 2:Sample light curves of HS 2331based on differential CCD photometry obtained at the 40 cm BraesideObservatory ( left) and at the 1.2 m KryoneriObservatory ( right).Open with DEXTER Figure 3:Light curve of HS 2331 obtained at atime resolution of 1 s with the g'-filter using ULTRACAM on theWHT.Open with DEXTER2.1.3 ULTRACAM on the William Herschel telescopeThe highest time resolution and signal-to-noise ratio CCD photometrywas obtained on November 10, 2003 using the 3-beam ULTRACAM CCD camera(which takes CCD data in three colour channels simultaneously, Dhillon et al. 2002) on the William Herschel Telescope. HS 2331 wasobserved with a 1 s time resolution, using Sloan u', g', and r'filters. The data were reduced with the ULTRACAMpipeline. Differential magnitudes of HS 2331 were obtained relative toGSC 0323100595 (labelled "C2'' in Fig. 1), and converted toapparent magnitudes using observations of the Sloan standardSA100-280, which was observed at the end of the night. The meanmagnitudes of HS 2331 were u'=16.1, g'=16.3 and r'=16.0. Thesevalues are subject to some small systematic uncertainty related to theyet uncalibrated colour terms accounting for the differences betweenthe ULTRACAM and Sloan setups.The ULTRACAM light curves impressively confirm the presence ofvariability on a time scale of 5 min seen in the Kryoneri data,as well as additional variability on even shorter time scales(Fig. 3). 2.2 Optical spectroscopy 2.2.1 Calar AltoHS 2331 was identified as a CV from low-resolution spectroscopyobtained at the Calar Alto 2.2 m telescope on September 20, 2000. TheCAFOS focal reductor spectrograph was used in conjunction with thestandard SITe CCD. A single pair of blue/red identification spectrawas obtained with the B-200 and R-200 grating through a slit (see Table 1). The wavelength range of thecombined spectra extends from 3500 to 10 000 Å at a spectralresolution of approximately 10 Å. The online reduction of theidentification spectra using the CAFOS quick look context within MIDASimmediately revealed the CV nature of HS 2331 by the presence of broaddouble peaked Balmer and He I emission lines in the spectra.Time-resolved follow-up spectroscopy of HS 2331 was carried outduring the same observing run, on September 23 and 24, 2000. A total of43 spectra of 600 s each were obtained during the two nights, whichwere mainly photometric except for very thin cirrus during the last1.5 h of the second night (Table 1). TheB-100 grism was used along with a slit to obtain 40spectra with a useful wavelength range of 3500-6300 Å and aspectral resolution of 4 Å. In addition, 3 red spectra wereacquired during the second night, using the R-100 grism with aslit width. The red spectra cover a wavelength range of6000 to 9200 Å at a spectral resolution of 4 Å.Mercury-cadmium, helium-argon and rubidium arcs were taken regularlythroughout both nights to provide for the wavelength calibration.Data from the flux standards G191B2B and Cas were alsoobtained to correct for the instrument response of the "blue'' and"red'' spectra respectively. The CAFOS acquisition image were takenwith a Johnson V filter in order to correct the spectra for slitlosses.All spectra were reduced in a standard manner using theFigaro package within the Starlink software collection. Thebias level was subtracted from the calibration and object images usingthe median from a set of unexposed frames. Dome flat field images,taken with the same set up as the object frames, were used to removepixel to pixel variations. The spectra were then optimally extracted(Horne 1986) and sky line subtracted. A fourth-order polynomialwas fitted to obtain the dispersion relation for each of the arcspectra, giving an rms smaller than 0.1 Å in all cases. Each targetspectrum was then wavelength-calibrated by interpolating twoneighboring arc spectra to account for the possible drift of thewavelength-to-pixel scale. The instrumental response function wascomputed as the ratio of a spline fit to the line-free continuum ofthe B-100/R-100 spectra of the flux standards to the flux-calibrateddata from Filippenko & Greenstein (1984) and Oke (1990). All targetspectra were flux-calibrated and corrected for atmospheric extinctionusing this response function.We used the acquisition images obtained in conjunction with the CAFOSspectroscopy to estimate the brightness of HS 2331 during our CalarAlto observations. Aperture photometry relative to GSC 0323100595(V=12.75) located south-east of HS 2331 ("C2'' inFig. 1) resulted in ,which is consistent withthe magnitude obtained from the HQS direct plate, and with thebrightness level of all our photometry (Sect. 2.1). Agrand average spectrum of HS 2331 was created by combining the meanof all "blue'' and "red'' spectra from the flux-calibrated (andcorrected for atmospheric extinction) B-100/R-100 data set. Thisaverage spectrum was then scaled to V=16.4, as determined from the CAFOS acquisition images to account for possible slit losses(Fig. 4). The applied correction of 0.2 mag iscomparable to the intrinsic variability of HS 2331, and indicatesthat the absolute error in our flux calibration is 20%.A further set of observations were obtained in September 2003 at the2.2 m Calar Alto telescope. This time the G-100 grism was used whichtogether with a slit width of provided a wavelength rangeof 4240-8300 Å and a spectral resolution of 4.1 Å (Table 1). These spectra were reduced in an analogousfashion as described above. Figure 4:Mean, flux-calibrated "blue'' and "red''spectra (Calar Alto 2000, B-100/R-100 data set) of HS 2331 combinedtogether. The arrows indicate the wavelength range covered by theB-100 and R-100 gratings.Open with DEXTERThe spectrum of HS 2331 (Fig. 4) displays broaddouble-peaked Balmer and He I emission lines, suggesting anorigin in the accretion disc. The higher series of the Balmer linesare flanked by extremely broad absorption troughs, which arereminiscent of the Stark-broadened absorption lines observed in thehigh-gravity atmospheres of cool white dwarfs (the width of theabsorption lines are too wide to be of accretion disc origin). The redpart of the spectrum does not contain any spectral features that couldbe ascribed to the emission of the secondary star.Table 2 lists the equivalent widths (EW) and full width athalf maximum (FWHM, corrected for the instrumental response), of-.The EW and the FWHM measurements were obtained by fitting asingle Gaussian in all cases. Average spectra were used for the Balmerlines: Calar Alto 2000 for and Calar 2003 for -.Table 2: EW and FWHM (corrected for the instrumentalresolution) of the strongest Balmer emission lines and of thestrongest FUV lines. 2ff7e9595c