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Shotput Pro 5 Serial Number: How to Download and Activate Your License

To upgrade from the website: Log into your account and navigate the ShotPut Pro macintosh page. Select the upgrade, once purchased the download link and account wide serial number to activate your new software.

Shotput Pro 5 Serial Number

A checksum is a string of numbers and letters that uniquely identify a particular file regardless of the type, ie .mov, .ari, .dng, .png, .txt. Think of them like a fingerprint; no two fingers have the same fingerprint (nope, not even identical twins!) and no two random files have the same checksum; different files = different checksums. This allows people (obviously with the help of computer applications) to compare checksum values to ensure a 100% exact copy of a file is made when duplicating, or offloading files.

*SIDE NOTE: The ID Number is for that particular computer, this is a great way to keep track of your serial numbers. Create an excel spreadsheet and with the serial number, ID number and application for reference in the future. This is especially important for those that own multiple licenses of the same application. 2ff7e9595c

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